Kerang Goreng Berlada at Gulam

I found this photo on my camera, while doing some deleting job of unwanted photos. It is a dish called ‘Kerang Goreng Berlada’ that I had at Gulam restaurant seven months ago while we were in Malaysia for holiday. We were looking for a place to eat at that time and one of our family members recommend for ‘Gulam Restaurant’.

Kerang Goreng Berlada
Kerang Goreng Berlada
Located at Kota Damansara (also known as Bandar PKNS), Gulam offers variety choices of food with reasonable price range.

Unfortunately, this is the only photo taken at that time. It was seven month ago so I couldn’t remember much about the Gulam. However, one thing I do remember is everyone tummies were full and had a very good time at that place.

If anyone has been to this place, please do drop in some comments about it. Also, if anyone has something to share such as photos, direction, reviews and etc about the place, you can send them to my email.


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  1. wooooowwww... make my tongue stuck out

  2. my mouth watered while see above photo

  3. I run a school in Hampshire and I am looking to expand my tutorials in the cuisine of other countries. This looks really good it will have to go on my to-do list. I will credit you guys of course.

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