Grilled Seabass (Siakap Bakar) with Chillies.

Another simple recipe from Selera Malaysia and this time it is Grilled Seabass (Ikan Siakap bakar) with chilies.

My most favorite fish is Threadfin (Ikan Senangin) and I believe this is the best fish for grilling purposes. Unfortunately, Threadfin is a little bit difficult to get in Dublin.

Anyway here I present Grilled Seabass (Ikan Siakap bakar) with chilies Melaka style.
Grilled Seabass Siakap Bakar


1 seabass
10 dried chilies
1 inch turmeric
1 cup of tamarind juice
4 small red onions
1/2 teaspoon of salt


Blend chilies, turmeric, tamarind juice, onions and salt. Then spread them onto slices of seabass evenly.

Heat your oven for 350F and grill the seabass for about 10-15 minutes.

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