Tom Yam Fried Rice Recipe

Tom Yam Fried Rice
My Lunch Pack - Tom Yam Fried Rice. 
No doubt about fried rice being one of the world’s most popular rice dishes. Many type of fried rice can be created or prepared with basic combination ingredients of steaming white rice, meats and vegetables. It’s believed that fried rice was invented by Chinese but what I am going to share here today is definitely originated from Thailand (if it does exist), I guess.

So, this is how the story started. Last evening, we had a wonderful bowl of Seafood Tomyam for our dinner. The Tomyam was full of flavor and thick too. I‘m a Tomyam lover and definitely could talk about it for few more pages. However, today it is not about it. It is about special fried rice called Tomyam Fried Rice (in Malay language, Nasi Goreng Tomyam). I woke up this morning and realized that there were still plenty of leftovers (Tomyam soup & white rice) in our fridge. Then, I took a quick look into the freezer and found few ingredients (fish cake, mix vegi) that are perfect for fried rice preparation.

A bowl of Tom Yam Fried Rice. 
Fried rice is a very simple dish that can be easily cooked at home and I believe that most of you will agree with me. In fact, it can be prepared less than 20 minutes. Simply throw everything orderly in a frying wok and you will never go wrong with it. And for this one, even easier because it was from the leftovers!

It was something new but surprisingly it was so tasty and delicious too. I had the Tomyam fried rice as my lunch pack. The aroma came out from my lunch pack make people wonder what was inside the pack.  I had my lunch without looking on right or left because was so focus to my lunch pack. It was a pleasant lunch break! I am sure that those who love Tom yam will definitely craving for this! And if you’d like to try simply follow the instruction below.
Please keep in your mind that cooking fried rice isn’t a rocket science. No exact measurement needed and all here are based on ‘agak-agak’ basis…..

3 cups of white rice (leftover)
1 cup of Tom yam Soup(leftover)
5 Cloves of Shallots*
2 Cloves of Garlic*
2 Bird’s eye Chili*
1 egg
Mix Vegetables
Fishball and fishcake
Salt to taste.

How to:
Heat two tablespoons of cooking oil in a frying wok. Saute the asterisk ingredient tll fragrant. Add Tomyam soup(you can use instant Tomyam paste instead) and stir to boil or thicken. Add the mix vegi and white rice and stir to mix. Make a hole in the middle and add egg into it. Again, stir to mix. Finally, springkle some salt to taste and contimue to stir until all are throughly mixed. If you wish, you can also add some finely chopped spring onions onto the fried rice.

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