Chili Tuna Melt Sandwich

Chili Tuna Melt
My day started with Chili Tuna Melt Sandwich. It was a delicious sandwich I must say. It was simple and easy to prepare. When preparing a sandwich, many think that fish and cheese wasn't the best food combinations to do it. Believe me or not, it is worth to try to know.

Tuna Chili Melt
It is not an ordinary to have sandwich as breakfast in Malaysia, and most people will do Nasi lemak or Roti Canai with Teh Tarik. I just want to be different. I had almost the same breakfast every morning, so why not for a change. My Tuna Melt was very good. In fact, it was really, really good that we have had it again in the evening time.

So this how I done it.

Two slices of white bread 
Tuna in sunflower oil* 
A Chili(Finely sliced)* 
Half Onion(Finely chopped)* 
A slice of cheese* 
A table spoon of Thai Sweet Chili Sauce* 

How to: 
Put the asterisks items in a bowl and microwave it for about 2 minutes. Then spread them in toasted bread and cover with other half to make a sandwich.

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