King Prawns Fried Rice

King Prawns Fried Rice

This is called King Prawns Fried Rice. It is an easy and simple dish to prepare. This type of fried rice can be easily found in any Chinese take away restaurant. Over here (Malaysia), fried rice is one of popular menu; so many choices of fried rice available such as Kampung Fried Rice, Chinese Fried Rice, Pataya Fried Rice, Butter Fried Rice, Simple Fried Rice, Mushroom Fried Rice and many more. Basically, fried rice is made from steamed rice stir-fried in a wok, often with other ingredients, such as eggs, vegetables, and meat.

King Prawns Fried Rice

This morning I had King Prawns Fried Rice for breakfast. I like to eat heavy breakfast. I know it is odd but it is common in Malaysia to have rice for breakfast. In fact, it will give you more energy that you need to start up your day. So here is the steps to prepare King Prawns Fried Rice. Hope you'll like it.

King Prawns Fried Rice

3 cups of boiled rice
1 egg
100g of king prawns (skinless)
2 springs onion (finely sliced and separate bottom and upper part)
2 long beans (finely sliced)
1 red chilli (finely chopped)
1 clove of shallot (finely chopped)
2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
1 tablespoon of sesame oil
Salt to taste

Heat cooking oil on a frying pan and fry shallot and garlic until fragrant. Then add bottom part of spring onion, red chilli, long beans and king prawns. Continue to fry for about 2 minutes. Add sesame oil and add rice and stir to mix. Make a hole in the middle and add egg into it. Again, stir to mix. Finally add the upper part of spring onions and some salt to taste. Continue to stir until all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

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