Almond and Blueberry Muffins re-produced

Almond and Blueberry Muffins
For those have missed my Almond and Blueberry Muffins post, just follow the simple steps below and I’m sure you will be satisfied.

3 eggs
150ml fresh cream
150g caster sugar
50g finely ground almonds
175g plain flour
11/2 teaspoons baking powder
125g blueberries
15g Almonds, chopped

How to:
1. In a bowl, whisk eggs, fresh cream, sugar until smooth.
2. In the same bowl, add ground almonds, flour and baking powder and mix them together.
3. Using a spoon, scoop the mixture in to paper cake cases. Estimate 12 cases for this mixture.
4. Evenly add blueberries and sprinkle the chopped almonds before put into a oven.
5. Bake them in a preheated oven (180 C) for about 25-30 minutes.


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  1. Very easy recipe to put together. Already had all ingredients in the pantry, whick made it more convinient. Having read other reviews, I played it by ear as I mixed in the flour and milk, adding more flour if needed and extra milk (another 1/3 cup)-i mixed the suggar and butter using electric mixer, whick I think helped make the batter slightly more moist and fluffy once cooked.

  2. I love to eat muffins and blueberry too, but that two in combination have to be EXCELLENT !! Thank you for recipe, I have to try this!

  3. Thanks for the information and knowledge.

  4. I love blueberries! Thanks for the recipe. Would you mind me sharing this recipe with the visitors of my site? I'll certainly acknowledge that the recipe is yours. I specialize in cheesecakes so this would be a nice change up for my visitors.

  5. its now easy for me thanks give me to idea.......thanks..

  6. Can you replace the flour with protein powder? Will it work?

  7. Looks very delicious. Will you ever post the cheesee muffin recipe? Want to try it but don't know how to bake

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