Kerabu Mangga or Mango Salad from Malaysia

Kerabu Mangga
Look what I had for iftar today. A bowl of Kerabu Mangga ( Mango Salad). Actually, the main menu was chicken rice bought from Bazaar Ramadan, and the Kerabu Mangga just an additional to make it more interesting. I always find that Kerabu Mangga and chicken rice as a perfect combination.

Mango Salad
It was my first time, and have sliced the mango to thin. I will sliced it thicker in my next attempt. However, this is very simple and will only take your few minutes to prepare if you had all the ingredients needed ready on the table. So below are the ingredients needed for my Kerabu Mangga for 2-3 people.

1 young mango*
1/2 carrot*
1/2 onion*
4 bird's eye chili*  
1/2 cup of calamansi juice
1/2 cup of ground peanuts (sangai or fry without oil)**
1/2 cup of dried shrimp (sangai or fry without oil)**
1 tablespoon of Cincalok (a shrimp paste, this is optional)**
Sugar and salt to taste**

* Sliced (not to thin or to thick)
** Grind in a food processor or traditionally with mortar & pestle

How to:
Mix all the above ingredients in a bowl and it is ready to be served. Enjoy.

Posted by Ariffin

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